Dream in January - 2022

News and Reminders

Indoor Classes

As mentioned in a previous announcement,
Indoor Classes begin Monday, January 10th, 2022!

Where: Studio space at D*FIT
Address: 4 Erie St, Montclair, NJ 07042 (Google Map Location Here)
Free parking available in the adjoining lot. There will be Dream flags near our entrance.

If you plan on attending indoor classes, please make sure to review our attached indoor policy.

We will still hold outdoor classes at Anderson Park on Tuesdays and Saturdays, as well.


Whether you're planning on attending indoor or outdoor classes—or both—you'll need to reserve your weekly spots via the link provided in your student communications.

Student Portal

Remember, you can find student resources,
like the weekly classes signup page and student event calendar within your student portal.

Visit the student portal page on our website HERE.

The password is provided in student communications

Calendar Updates


There will be no classes on Monday, January 17th, 2022 
in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

If you're interested in doing service this month, here are a few volunteering resources to check out:

Toni's Kitchen

MESH (Montclair Emergency Services for Hope)

Jersey Cares Virtual and In Person Projects


It's a new year! Here are the morals for the first half of the year:

January: Respect
February: Grit
March: Creativity
April: Humility
May: Safety
June: Discipline



“Respecting someone indicates the quality of your personality.” —Mohammad Sakhi

To have positive relationships and be able to productively navigate our world, respect is essential. It is one of the most important virtues—as well as one of our school’s core values—because through respect we build acceptance, trust and safety. Simply put, respect is about treating others the way we ourselves would want to be treated.

Respect is the foundation to numerous life skills including kindness and open-mindedness. It involves a certain degree of humility and grace to, for example, communicate politely even when we disagree with someone, or get to know someone or hear them out despite our biases or initial judgments.

In class, students bow in, thank their classmates and instructors for teaching them and experience child-centered, positive discipline. These practices demonstrate respect in how we consider and prioritize the dignity and worth of each person when we interact with them.

“Respect requires empathy, the capacity to anticipate and understand the feelings of others.
It requires consideration.” —Deborah Norville

Respect should be given and received by all. Parents and guardians can instill respect by being kind, calm and self-controlled in all their interactions and by setting clear, consistent expectations for children. Additionally, really listening to children and their needs and wants will allow them to feel heard and important while also teaching them how to treat others.

These and many other means of showing respect set our children up for positive, successful relationships at home, school and beyond so that they grow to extend care and compassion to themselves and those around them.