We're so excited to get back to training! We'll be seeing you at Anderson Park starting today!
Our Fall schedule is listed on our website.
Reminder: As you may already know, Dream will be closing registration and pausing new student enrollment once we reach our allotted number of students for the Fall as we continue to focus on supporting our current students. To optimize training and progress for every child and to help with planning, we created a class signup page.
If you haven't already, please be sure to sign up for your classes.
There will be NO CLASSES on Saturday, September 4th and Monday, September 6 in observance of Labor Day.
Please note: The Saturday classes on September 18th will take place at nearby Edgemont Park, at the northwest corner by Parkway and Edgemont Road
(Map Location HERE).
Consistency may be one of the most subtle and overlooked virtues, despite its profound impact on success. Simply defined, consistency is steady continuity, an adherence to the same principles or actions in a steadfast way.
With the dedication and reliability it entails, consistency is what helps build us up from birth. Children who grow up surrounded by repeated experiences in a consistent environment have a more solid foundation crucial in developing trust, self-esteem, emotional security, behavior regulation and more. Consistency bears the fruits of its labor over time, which can seem unexciting in a world so full of instant gratification.
However, holding true to the same principles or practice over time makes proficiency and mastery possible. This is how consistency allows for long term progress and success. We put this into practice in our school by having our students commit to 2 classes each week, repeating skills and techniques training and recognizing students’ growth and advancement in our ceremonies.
“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.”
—Bruce Lee
There is truth in the adage “slow and steady wins the race.” Goals should take time and work so that children can see, with regular and consistent effort, there is a positive difference from where they started.
Parents can reinforce these lessons at home by modeling consistency, having some established routines, supporting commitments made, marking small successes and showing ways of recovering from minor setbacks. Children, in turn, are empowered to learn patience, reliability endurance and accountability. With the right consistency in attitude and action, they will be able to achieve success in different areas of their lives.