Dream in November - 2021

News and Announcements

Save the date for

Dream's Annual Gratitude Ceremony

Saturday, November 27th, 2021 at Anderson Park

Ages 4-6 from 10-11 am
Ages 7+ from 11 am-12 pm

All students and their families are invited to attend for
a day of fun activities together

Be on the lookout for your individual event invite from us
 and make sure to register so we know you’re coming!


New Class Schedule
beginning Monday, November 8th*

Class Sign-ups

Please make sure to sign up for your preferred class days/times in the link provided in student emails.

*Under normal circumstances we keep our schedule consistent with fewer seasonal changes. However, with daylight saving time ending on November 7, we will lose an hour of daylight and needed to make adjustments.

Once we restart indoor training, such changes will not be necessary. We appreciate your understanding and patience!


Announcing our new

 Student Portal!

A member-exclusive page on our site for access to class sign-ups, links and resources,
 including our student calendar for events and activities
that you can add to your own calendar!

(Portal Link and password provided in student emails)


There will be NO classes on
 Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th, 2021 

(We will host our Gratitude Ceremony on Saturday, November 27th in lieu of classes)



“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.”

—Melody Beattie

Living a life of gratitude is to view the help, kindness, gifts and favors we receive from others with appreciation and positivity. It is at its core the recognition of good things in this world. Gratitude goes beyond saying thank you, though expressing thanks is a foundational step. Gratitude is a perspective we can choose to have each day, though in places or times of overabundance, consistently practicing it may be a challenge.

Gratitude is linked to many positive benefits including happiness, hopefulness, positivity, life satisfaction and social support and engagement. Gratitude grants a certain peace and joy within our lives that can have a wonderful ripple effect.

“What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.”

—Brene Brown

It is no wonder then that cultivating gratefulness is such a worthwhile endeavor. Adults in children's lives can help them foster gratitude by modeling it, performing acts of kindness together, and recognizing the silver linings in difficult or upsetting situations.

Getting into a routine of pausing to notice and acknowledge all the things they have to be grateful for is another great step. Children can then begin to reflect on what they think and feel about what they have received and how they would like to respond or possibly reciprocate. All of this can stem from simple conversations and open-ended questions.

Rituals can also be fun and help the practice of gratitude become like second nature. Naming the people or things we are grateful to have in our lives before dinner or right before bedtime, for example, can help make children aware of all that they already have. Some rituals can even be community-based! We hope to see all our students’ faces at our annual Gratitude Ceremony later this month!

Through small shifts, we can make gratitude a habit and really take in the good all around us. With consistent practice, our children will grow to have an attitude of gratitude that will benefit them for years to come.

For more on helping to foster gratitude, here’s a helpful article form the Greater Good Science Center, UC Berkeley.