Season’s Greetings, Families!
Schedule Updates
Daylight Savings Time is here! The sun now sets earlier, so we have adjusted our outdoor accordingly:
Please follow us on Facebook to receive notes and updates:
You can also view our updated class schedule here:
Additional Class Update: Indoor classes are coming in December, stay tuned details.
*Weather Cancellation Reminder
Dream keeps a daily eye out for weather conditions. We will notify families if classes are cancelled or are shifting to online class due to inclement weather. In the event of light rain or cloudy skies and you have not heard from us, please assume classes are to be continued as scheduled.
Its a new month! Our zoom link password has changed, effective Tuesday, November 3rd, 2021.
Dream will be closed Wednesday, November 25 and Saturday, November 28, 2020
Enjoy the Thanksgiving break!
Moral of the Month: Gratitude
“We can only be said to be alive when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
—Thornton Wilder
To be grateful is to choose to focus our attention and energy on what we appreciate. Gratitude is selfless; it instills a sense of interconnectedness and good will and is the catalyst for feelings of joy and reciprocity. A grateful heart also possesses healthy amounts of many other values, like humility, awareness, kindness and respect, for example. It is no wonder why Cicero deemed gratitude “not only the greatest of the virtues, but the parent of all others.”
Gratitude benefits our emotional, social and physical wellness. A study conducted out of the University of California, Davis, revealed that fostering gratitude can increase happiness, self-esteem and empathy levels, while other studies have shown that kids who practice grateful thinking have more positive attitudes toward school and family. Additionally, appreciating the contributions of our friends and family fosters stronger, more positive relationships.
Gratitude also highlights the fact that many of the things we own and the opportunities we have come from someone other than ourselves, leading us to understand how interdependent we all are, which may make us more inclined to treat others with respect. Gratitude has also been linked to healthier heart health and better sleep.
“Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness.”
—Henri Frederic Amiel
There are so many things to appreciate in our world and practicing gratitude regularly enhances our lives. We are extremely grateful for our dedicated students and our wonderful Dream community!