Dream in May - 2019

Hello Dreamers!

We will be closed Saturday, May 25 and Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day Weekend.

Next MMA belt test is Thursday, June 6 during regularly scheduled class times. MMA belt promotion ceremonies will take place Saturday, June 8.

There is no charge for class belt tests. If your child cannot attend the class belt test on June 6 please schedule a private pre-test for Saturday, June 1. Please note there is a $40 fee for private tests.

Moral of the Month: Contentment

Contentment is one of the most difficult morals to embody because it forces us to swim against the tide of some of our society’s most powerful cultural and economic forces. We are bombarded with messages that what we have, who we are and what we do are insufficient. If only we did this or bought that THAN we would be happy.  Contentment requires vigilance and diligence to establish but its importance cannot be understated. Contentment with what we have and who we are, brings peace of mind and decreased stress.

A harvest of peace is produced from a seed of contentment.


When we talk about contentment with our students we will distinguish between contentment and complacency. Just because we are content does not mean we don’t strive to improve, grow and achieve goals. The martial way is all about moving towards our highest potential. As we work towards our goals we have to accept where we are NOW. We must walk this fine line of striving for greatness and being content with our current state. Contentment comes from a deep satisfaction within ourselves.

 I’ve often said that I wished people could realize all their dreams of wealth and fame so they could see that it’s not where you’ll find your sense of completion.

—Jim Carrey