Dream in June - 2018

Greetings parents and students,

June is a big month at Dream and we are excited and grateful that you are a part of our community!

Below are the happenings for this month:


Thursday June 7: Test day: MMA students will be tested during regular class times.  If your child attends class regularly, he/she will have no problem passing the test. We have been reviewing the techniques they will be tested on during class for the last couple of weeks and will continue to do so until test day. We do not charge a fee for testing. There is no testing for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.


Tuesday June 12: Dream One Year Anniversary Celebration: Dream turns ONE! The last year has been amazing! Seeing our students on the mats is like having our hopes and dreams unfold in reality before our eyes! On Tuesday June 12 please come in and celebrate, we will have light hors devours and refreshments. 

Anniversary offer for new students in June: First month of unlimited training only $49!


Thursday June 14: Promotion Ceremony: Each age group will have their promotion ceremony during regularly scheduled classes.


The theme for the month of June is Awareness, one of the foundational morals for all of our character development lessons.

How can we be kind if we are not aware that someone is in need of kindness?

How can we be grateful if we don’t bring awareness to the things that deserve our gratitude?

How can we be courageous if we don’t first confront the fact that we feel fear and bring our awareness to the sensations of fear in our bodies?

Our mindfulness practice is our greatest tool for boosting our present moment awareness. In the domain of personal safety, where things unfold quickly and seconds are often the difference between life and death, how we direct our attention is paramount. By being aware we can detect potentially dangerous situations and avoid them before they are a threat to our safety. Mindfulness can also put us more in touch with our thoughts and feelings so that we are better able to deal with stressful situations.

There are many ways we can work our awareness muscle. The first is simply to notice… sounds, smells, sights… when you step outside notice and point out bird song, the direction from which the wind is blowing or anything happening in your environment.

Play is the best way to get your child’s attention and help them work on their observational/awareness skills. To play, when you go into a business, make note of a few things about your environment: the number of workers behind the counter, the clothing and gender of the person sitting next to you, how many entry/exits there are, etc. When you leave and get into the car to head home, ask your kids questions like “How many workers were behind the counter?” “Was the person sitting next to us a man or a woman?” “What color was his/her shirt?” “How many exits were there?”

Besides keeping us safe, mindfulness/awareness has been proven to boost creativity and empathy and reduce stress.